Staff |
At the present moment we enlarge our staff and we are actively interested in bringing in new specialists. Our personnel department is occupied with finding new staff, with this purpose we are in cooperation with numerous personnel agencies. On a contractual basis we closely cooperate with such stuff agencies as "Crystal", "Stuff Traditions", "Hyacinth", "The Success Strategy", and "The Masters City". In 2007 we employed 124 specialists, for 2 months of the current 2008 28 specialists have been employed. Among the new specialists there are heads of the groups, principal engineers, a general project engineer, a deputy project engineer, heads of the construction sub-units. In 2007 there were created a perspective projecting group, a financial service, a customer-developer's service, a real-estate service. Vacancies 1. Engineers: Boiler houses projecting - 1 person; For the summary E-mail:
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